OSRS TheLabs

TheLabs RSPS
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TheLabs is a very well developed Oldschool Runescape Private Server packed with heavy content. We take care of our players. Join today and see why we are on of the best RSPS on the list. We will give you the best adventure of your life.
You can choose your own armour sets which goes with the pking style you wish! There are so many features PvP based. Join the fun today.
Server features:
TheLabs Oldschool Runescape Server | Active PvP | 24/7 Online | Updates | Unique PvP system | Economy | Friendly & active staff | Good community | Dedicated developers team | Bosses | Skilling area | Player shop | Clan Chat | OSRS maps
- Prayer Curse
- Firemaking Skill
- Fishing Skill
- PVP Safe Zone
- Mining Guild
- Player Vs Player (Bounty Hunter + PVP Level)
- Teleport Guild
- Thieving Skill
- Woodcutting Skill
Staff spots are open, register on our forums and play the game for more information!