GrinderScape OSRS - Bossing / Skilling / PVP / OSRS Trading

grinderscape-osrs-bossing-skilling-pvp-osrs-trading RSPS

Important Notice: You can play the game and once you have enough Grinderscape GP or items, you can sell them and buy OSRS tokens from the in-game store which can be exchanged for OSRS GP! Players making 5m-10m OSRS every day, I swear this is not a scam and you can ask in-game once you log in.
GrinderScape is the longest active server, over 11 years online offering very high-quality content to players, expect to see much unique content available only here at GrinderScape, because we know what we are doing!
[Download Here]
We have recently re-launched in June 2018! This means that the server economy is completely fresh, everyone is equal with stats, combat levels, and much more. In addition, we have also added a new website design with new forums. Hope you enjoy it :)
The Best of GrinderScape OSRS
A small trailer before you join:
Active Home:
Fresh & active balanced economy!
OSRS Trading is Allowed with middlemen!

The perfect environment for skillers:
Every single skill on game works perfectly!

Our combat system was created from scratch in a project that took several months.
We do our best effort to offer the most flawless combat experience that you will ever find.

Automated anti-scam gambling:
Custom Home:

Fun PK Zone
We have a very sophisticated safe fun pk zone.
Train and test your weapons against other players without the risk of losing your items.

Tons of Training Zones:
Experiments training area with a starter shop. Level up for cash rewards!

Bank System:
Our bank system is the most advanced, dynamic and smooth that you will ever see!
You can destroy items, resize both ways and even take a screenshot to make others jealous!

Over 26 bosses:
Every boss has a unique item drop! Challenge all the hard bosses for great rewards and entertainment!

In-Game Drops Table:
The one and only drops interface that actually shows the real item drop chance!

XP Customizer:
Rune Pouch:
You may save up some inventory space by taking a filled up rune pouch with you!
Boss Contracts:
A boss contracts challenges you to slay a random boss within a limited time for great rewards!

Bolt Enchanting:
Password Changer In-game
Keeps your account safe!

NPC Kills tracker
Track all of your bosses kills and fastest kill time!
Game Titles
Over 150 available titles to show out your achievements!

Yell Customizer:
As many other interfaces that can be customized as you wish, yell customier is one of them!
Mystery boxes:
Mystery boxes, Muddy chests, and crystal chests are available with hundred of unique rewards!
Updates Notifications:
With our notification system you will not miss a thing!

Key Binding:
Configure your key actions exactly as you want!

Game Tasks:
We have over 33 tasks available!

We offer a very secure and fun way to bet with others!

Items Kept On Death:
Items kept on death are based on actual prices of the game!

Price checker:
In-game based item prices works well with the price checker which is updated weekly!
Slay monsters in hundreds of different assignments for awesome rewards!

Slay bosses and get many available cute boss pets!

Quick teleport accessible through the magic spell book free of charge from any runes requirements!

OSRS Items:
Warriors Guild:
Claim your untradeable defenders only from the Warriors Guild minigame.

Game Stores:
We have a lot of interesting stores, take a look!