
revengeps RSPS
REVENGEPS | INSTANT PK | RAIDS | FREE MYSTERY BOX | AUTOMATED TOURNAMENTS | PRESETS | PVP ZONES RevengePS is a brand new OSRS revision RSPS. We strive to become the best possible server out there to suite everyones needs. We are a PvP Based server but we also offer countless bosses and skilling to choose from, which can also be used to make a lot of PKP, server is packed with tons of content so you don't get bored, osrs combat formulas for perfect hybridding. [Features: - Client Launcher. - 100% Uptime. - Ultra-fast Dedicated Server Hosting. - Presets. - PvP Zones. - Automated Tournaments. - Donator Shops. - PKP Store. - Gambling Zone. - Duel Arena. - PvP Tasks - Quite like Wilderness Slayer however the tasks are to be completed in combat PvP. - Custom Pk Zones. - OSRS Combat - Perfect Hybridding - Raids - Player Owned Shops - 100+ Custom Pets. - All Boss and Skilling pets ingame. - Wilderness Events such as Blood Key and Skotizio. And many more features to be added to this list which we have ingame. Come play RevengePS ~ Where Legends Are Born [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [COLOR="#FF0000"][SIZE=6][B]Videos:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [VIDEO][/VIDEO] [/CENTER]