SeptoX 718 #1 RSPS - Reborn

septox-718-1-rsps-reborn RSPS
SeptoX 718 RSPS Reborn.
SeptoX is a private server based on the 2012 era of runescape with a modified cache introducing flawless gameplay, and content. Be it PvP, PvM or HC, SeptoX has an extremely wide array of content to suit your gameplay style, the main idea is to never allow our players get bored. Our developers have a lot of experience and this project has been developed for a solid 5 years.
The main objective in SeptoX is to achieve 100% completion. Throughout the journey, there will be prestige ranks (10 each skill with rewards). There will be over 100+ tasks, many achievements (bosses/skilling). And then we have Master capes and skilling pets. Master capes here at SeptoX have a little spin on them. By ‘spin’ we mean they are going to be RARE. They will have an extra boost effects more than they do on RS3 but will be much harder to obtain. And you can ONLY obtain them through the all new PRESTIGE system. As for skilling pets, they will grant a significant amount of bonus xp for as long as you have that pet out. When a skilling pet is achieved, they start at level 1 and max at level 25 with more of an xp boost at each level. The catch? Yes, this puts skilling pets up at a VERY RARE standpoint. And again, ONLY obtainable through the all new PRESTIGE system.
Our professional developers are always striving to bring out new updates everyday for our community to enjoy the latest and new fresh content.
- So, what are you waiting for...? Join now and become the BEST.
- Top Features
* Unique Prestige System with different rewards.
* +100 different Daily challenges.
* Real achievements system with rewards.
* Master (120) capes
* Pre-EOC with full off-handing combat system.
* High-tier weapons do have special attacks (ie Noxious weaponry have their special attack like Rs3).
* Over 30 bosses including Full Heart Of Gielinor, AOD, & Telos.
* Rise of the Six
* Kalphite King with all working drygores
* Full Vorago
* Gemstone Dragons
* PvM Points are distributed regarding the difficulty of the bosses, custom PvM points store rewards.
* Celestial Dragons
* +10 minigames including custom minigames(custom minigame 'Damage Per Minute')
* Massive donor zone with several dozens extra features
* Automated Weekend EXP bonus
* Dominion Tower
* Bossing, skilling, legendary pets with leveling up system.
* Full banks with tabs, searching, inserting, swapping
* Loot Beam
* Loyalty Titles
* A Journal which tracks all of your in-game points & monster kills
* Full treasure trails.
* High quality end client.
Join the adventure now!