OSRS Construction Guide
Table of Contents
- Useful Quests
- Useful Items
- Low Cost Training
- High Cost Training
Useful Quests
- The Eyes of Glouphrie: 250 EXP
- Tower of Life: 1,000 EXP
- Cold War: 1500 EXP
- Darkness of Hallowvale: 2000 EXP
- Great Brain Robbery: 2000 EXP
- Making Friends With My Arm: 2000 EXP
- The Fremmenik Isles: 2000 EXP
Useful Items
Crystal Saw
When using this saw over a conventional one, you will get an invisible +3 boost to your Construction level. This is a quest reward from The Eyes of Glouphrie.
Cup of Tea (clay, gold or white)
In addition to the crystal saw, this gives a boost to your construction level. With a white cup of tea and the saw, you will get a +6 boost to build higher tier items. These teas are created from scratch within your POH kitchen using your butler.
Spicy Stews (RFD)
If you are desperate for a boost to build high-level items, spicy stews from the Evil Dave RFD sub-quest is the high possible boost with +5. You will have to gather lots of colored spices until you get the right stew combination.
Teleport Tabs or Runes
Chances are you will need to do a whole lot of teleporting when banking or creating planks. It is possible to do with minimal teleporting, but that ultimately depends on the training method.
Woodcutting Axe
If you plan on cutting your own logs for these training methods, you will obviously need an axe. Since most logs are rather at a low level, just a Rune Axe will do.
For most construction training methods, planks of all sorts are the center of everything. Planks are made with certain types of logs at the sawmill.
Nails are used to create certain items in your house, particularly items using regular planks. Metal nails vary from bronze to black to rune. Most types of nails may be bought from the Sawmill at a rather cheap price.
Bolts of Cloth
These are used in some objects like beds or rugs. While most players won’t use it for training, it is useful at all levels while making an upgrade to your house. The only way to obtain it is from the sawmill operator.
Flamtaer bag
Considering that this item is used in a distant minigame in Mortaynia, it’s quite odd for it to be suggested for construction training. The underrated perk of this item is the ability to store 60 limestone bricks, which is similar to the mechanic of a coal bag. It has a niche use later mentioned in this guide
Low Cost Training
Crude Wooden Chair (1 - 3/5)
There isn’t really anything else more interesting to start off with than making crude chairs. This will be made in the Parlour of your home, which is the only room available anyway. You will need a saw, nails, hammer and your planks as a minimum to get started. If you have access to the Flamteur bag, you can store enough planks to finish without banking.
Have plenty of nails in your inventory as there is a high chance that some will bend, even higher level nails. Make a chair, destroy it, and do it again. Keep in mind, making flatpacks of chairs will not give experience so don’t waste your materials.
The preliminary levels of Construction won’t cost you too much money if you buy regular planks, but you can still obtain them yourself. Just outside the Barbarian Outpost, there is a plank spawn near the bank. Simply hop worlds every 4 planks until your inventory is full. Alternatively, planks may be bought at Razmire’s shop in Mort’ton, or gathered near the Fishing Trawler.
Ultimate Ironmen that have trouble managing inventory space for planks could make the long walk to the Entrana plank spawn for tree materials. You need a means of dropping or storing any weapons or armor to do this, though.
As for nails, you can buy bronze or iron nails from any sawmill for next to nothing. You can also buy bronze bars from the Al Kharid shop and smith your own nails as a means to save money or if you are an Ironman.
Clay Fireplaces (3 - 5)
Clay itself isn’t a particularly cheap item, but it can still be a viable method if you mine it yourself. Nearby the Rimmington portal is both a clay mining spot and a well, so you can make your own materials without a bit of cost. Since a piece of clay only gives 10 experience, this isn’t really viable past a few levels of training.
If you plan on buying material from the Grand Exchange, you might as well go with a method using planks. Clay isn’t a very cost-efficient material at the current market price.
Decorative Rocks (5 – 40)
This item is used in the centerpiece of your garden, but since the default one is taken up by the portal, you will have to purchase a second room. Right at the center of it, you can click the centerpiece spot and there you have the option for a decorative rock
Each spot takes 5 limestones and give 100 experience. Simply trade in new limestone at a un-certing vendor in the general store. If you are an Ultimate Ironman or just doing a very low-budget training build, this is the best you’re going to get until Level 40.
Limestone is simply the most cost-efficient material in the game, whether you buy it from shops or from the grand exchange. If you want to save even more money, you can get crude limestone and chisel each piece yourself. This is also a means to get passive crafting experience between bank trips.
Limestone Attack Stones (40 - 74/99)
Creating limestone attack stones is basically the same method as above but with the ability to use 10 stones at a time. Simply create a games room near the portal and create and destroy 2 stones before banking. It is quite a bit faster than the above method, with the potential to get over 50,000 experience per hour without a butler.
For ultimate ironmen, this is considered the experience meta if you do it in a certain way. Limestone may be obtained from the building store in Mort’ton for just a few coins each. If you have the hard Mortaynia diary completed, you can get unlimited teleports from to here, and then teleporting straight to your house on a full inventory. It is even smoother if you have a Flamtaer bag as you can store a few extra inventories’ worth of stones.
For ironmen with access to a bank, the Keldagrim Stone Mason is another good spot to buy limestone bricks and bank them. Doing it this way would be slower experience, but ideal for newer accounts. Limestone can be obtained from mining, but that would be an abysmal means to train construction.
Mounted Mythical Capes (50 - 74/99)
While teak planks are typically much worse in terms of cost efficiency than oak planks, the mounted Mythical Cape is bugged so that you get slightly more experience than intended. In addition, you mythical cape isn’t consumed, so you can the same one infinitely training.
This isn’t a cape for newbies as you need over 200 quest points to even start Dragon Slayer II to obtain a Mythical Cape in the first place. The official guide advertises the mounted cape as having a requirement of 47, but it is really 50 since that’s the minimum to start DS2.
You will need 3 planks per mythical cape use, so it’s not like you will be emptying your inventory rapidly. The fastest way of doing this is using a butler, but since you won’t be going empty any time soon, it is kind of a waste to make him go on bank runs.
Assuming you are un-noting using Phials or banking with teleports, you can get an easy 200,000 experience per hour. Many ironmen choose to go this route for mid or high-level training. Using a butler can boost it upward from 250,000 experience. If you plan on using this as your end-game training method, be mindful that it is one of the more click-intensive ones.
Oak Dungeon Doors (74 – 99)
While it may be weird to see oak planks being used in an end-game method, it’s actually considered to be the budget meta by most players. It is made down in the dungeon of a POH, and it eats up mass amounts of planks.
Oak planks in itself are not exactly the cheapest option to train construction, but it is the cheapest of the planks. Since you will be spending money in any case, this has the mix of being extremely fast while being a bit budget as you will get over 350,000 experience per hour.
Each action will use up 10 planks and give you 600 experience each. Since you will be emptying your inventory rapidly, you will have to make use of a butler to retrieve logs from the bank. Call for your butler, have him make a bank trip, and quickly make the 2 doors before he returns. You repeat the process and it’s relatively straightforward.
Players have discovered a zero mouse movement method than potentially boosts the experience per hour. The idea is to zoom all the way in and position the camera at the perfect angle that allows you to click the door spot and the chat dialogue in the same pixel. This way, you can order your butler to fetch more planks, build the spot and click your keyboard to select the doors. It is preferable if you use a laptop button or assign a keyboard shortcut to click so you don’t mess up this method. You can get up to 500,000 experience per hour, assuming you have a large supply of planks.
While using oak logs isn’t exactly cheap, it is only slightly less cost-efficient than using limestone bricks. Considering you will be saving lots of time until Level 99, it is definitely worth the cost. If you are an Ultimate Ironman, this may be less viable.
Since you won’t be able to utilize the extra 6 items offered by the Demon Butler, you may save money by just using a regular butler. You will have to pay him 5,000 gold every 8 trips or else he will quite. The demon butler is 10,000 gold, for comparison. The demon butler is also prone to interrupting players much faster, so it’s a hassle if you are slow at building.
Some players have reported that this is one of the only means of training construction while “AFK”. They advise that you hold down the 1 button to go through any dialogues and rapidly click the build spot. This is comparable to how people seamlessly spam click the Ardougne Knight for thieving training.
The cost-effectiveness of oak dungeon doors is up for debate, but you can finish your level 99 cape for less than 85 million gold. Compare that to some other methods that require well over 200 million gold to quickly complete.
High Cost Training
Regular Plank Furniture (1 – 19/33)
To speed through the low-level content, there isn’t any alternative to using regular planks and nails to create wood furniture at your level. This starts with crude wooden chairs from level 1, and then you may choose to do bookcases, tables, and other items until you hit your goal level.
The nails you use are definitely a factor in training considering the rate they bend affects experience rates. If money is no object at this level, you might as well use decent nails like steel or higher. Lost nails result in lost ticks when building, and bronze is the worst performing of them all. You may get diminishing returns if you want to use nails like adamantite or rune.
Even though the method mentioned in the low-cost section recommended gathering your own planks, you are better off buying them off the GE for powerleveling purposes. You may un-note them from Phials or teleport to the bank between runs.
Since you can easily get into the rhythm of creating regular plank furniture, you might as well grind your way to level 33. If you want to be a bit more efficient, there is something else you can do at level 19.
Iron Exit Portals (1-19)
An unconventional yet slightly faster means of starting construction out is using iron bars to create exit portals in the garden. It requires 10 iron bars each and gives a 100 experience drop per build. As you might imagine, it is a bit more costly for the marginal gain in experience.
People who mainly benefit from this would be limited ironman or ultimate ironmen that need an alternative means to start training the skill. The most famous example would be UIM Verf using this method on his Karamja-locked UIM since he had no access to a saw or other basic materials.
There are other items that may be constructed using metal bars at later levels, but it comes with severely diminishing returns since so much else is unlocked.
Oak Chairs (19 – 33)
Oak chairs are the first tier of oak plank items available, and it’s only natural to progress to them to bolster experience rates. You can create these in the same spot as your crude chairs at the same speed, just with a bit more experience per plank. Keep in mind, the cost difference between oak and regular planks is quite negligent compared to the experience gain.
You may move on to other random item spots around the house as you progress, like oak shelves, bookcases or tables in the kitchen. This is keeping in mind that oak planks give the same amount of experience, regardless of the item.
Oak Larders (33 – 52)
For the longest time, oak larders were considered to be the meta for construction training. While it is indeed fast, higher-level methods had proven to be much faster. Having said that, it is still a superior low-level method until you can unlock new content.
Larder are built in your kitchen, and it just happens to be in the corner further away from your portal. To train efficiently, most players opt to un-note oak planks using a butler and just building away. You may easily get well over 300,000 experience per hour, albeit being expensive for a low-level method. Optionally, you can also build tables whenever you have extra planks leftover, taking advantage of the time gap when waiting for your butler.
For ironmen, it can still be a convenient means of training if one cuts their own logs. A quick and dirty method would be to cut oak logs just outside the Rimmington portal, having the butler send them to the sawmill, and building once they arrive. This can be done without much of a sacrifice in experience.
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Mahogany Bench (52 - 66/99)
The mahogany bench is a seat placed in your throne room, garden or kitchen, and it uses 6 mahogany planks each. Considering that mahogany is the highest-tier plank, it gives the most experience with the highest cost per action. Although, at level 52, you are basically doing an end-game training method at a very low level.
The method that makes these the fastest experience in the game is not easy, but it is over 1 million experience per hour when executed correctly. This is used with the variant gnome benches built into the corner of the parlor. The idea is to build 2 benches within a sort span of in-game time before your butler comes back from a bank run.
You will want to build a superior garden and leave as close to your portal as possible if you don’t plan on using a butler. As you stand between the two benches in the corner, have your camera zoomed in quite close and send your butler to the bank for a load of planks.
While you have the final dialog to send him off, have the build space ready on right click and send him off. This allows you to instantly build in the spot and then quickly build in the other spot. With quick enough execution, you will build in both spots within the same game tick. If you are using Runelite, you can set up screen markers to make your aim a bit more accurate.
The tricky part is to remove the benches in a timely fashion before you butler arrives. Try to execute this as quick as possible, considering that there is not trickery other than a fast mouse and a sharp eye. There is around a 6-7 second window of opportunity to build the benches before the butler makes the bank trip.
When your butler comes back with an automatic dialog with your new set of planks, repeat the step above and keep building. It is a tedious, repetitive and expensive method, but it’s also the most efficient means of buying 99 construction.
For ironmen, mahogany logs are significantly harder to come by but there are some reasonable means to accrue them. For starters, it is a common drop if you are grinding Zulrah, and you may end up with hundreds before your Blowpipe. It can also be cut on Fossil Island, converted to planks with the Plank Make spell, and then banked at the nearby chest.
Mahogany Tables (52 - 66/99)
Mahogany tables are what used to be considered the meta to high-level training until players discovered benches were faster. It still deserves a spot towards the end of this guide since it is much less click intensive while being able to gain 800,000 experience per hour. It should also be considered that the mahogany bench method could be patched in the future.
Each table is 6 planks, making it more experience per item than benches, although you only have one spot to build it. You simply build the tables, send the butler for a bank trip, and keep repeating the process. It is similar to oak larders since it’s also in the kitchen, just with faster experience and more money involved.
Teak Dining Tables (52 – 66/99)
The sister method to mahogany tables are tables made out of teak. Considering it has the same level requirement as 52, it is the slightly less expensive means of meta construction training. Having said that, this method can easily achieve over 400,000 experience per hour with minimal effort. It is also built in the same spot as mahogany tables, so you can mirror the method above.
Teak Garden Bench (66 - 99)
Teak Garden Benches deserve a special mention since it is one of the fastest training methods due to the new garden method. Similarly to the mahogany bench method, you will want to do this in the garden spot right in the corner so you have access to both simultaneously.
Each build gives 540 experience each, which is quite a bit less than mahogany. That being said, you can expect around 600,000 experience per hour when executed flawlessly. This isn’t quite bad considering that teak planks are only slightly more expensive than oak, although it is less cost-efficient than doing the Mounted Mythical Cape method.
This method may be more desirable by ironmen since teak logs are obtained from the Throne of Miscellania passively and are easily cut by teleporting to Ape Atoll. The only other meta training method would be oak larders or dungeon doors, but with slightly less experience and cost.