OSRS Crafting Guide
Table of Contents
- Useful Quests
- Useful Items
- Fast Training Methods
- Profitable Training Methods
Useful Quests
- Sheep Shearer: 150 EXP
- Goblin Diplomacy: 200 EXP
- Tower of Life: 500 EXP
- In Search of the Myreque: 600 EXP
- Misthalin Mystery: 600 EXP
- Dwarf Cannon: 750 EXP
- Animal Magnetism: 1,000 EXP
- The Golem: 1,000 EXP
- Making History: 1,000 EXP
- Tears of Guthix: 1,000 EXP
- RFD Goblin Generals: 1,000 EXP
- RFD Pirate Pete: 1,000 EXP
- RFD Skratch Uglogwee: 1,500 EXP
- Murder Mystery: 1,406 EXP
- Cold War: 2,000 EXP
- Enlightened Journey: 2,000 EXP
- In Aid of the Myreque: 2,000 EXP
- Shades of Mort’ton: 2,000 EXP
- Observatory Quest: 2,250 EXP
- Giant Dwarf: 2,500 EXP
- The Fremmenik Trials: 2,812 EXP
- The Great Brain Robbery: 3,000 EXP
- Nature Spirit: 3,000 EXP
- Slug Menace: 3,500 EXP
- Shilo Village: 3,875 EXP
- Elemental Workshop 1: 5,000 EXP
- Fremmennik Isles: 5,000 EXP
- Cabin Fever: 7,000 EXP
- Enakhra’s Lament: 7,000 EXP
- Elemental Workshop 2: 7,500 EXP
- Hand in the Sand: 9,000 EXP
- Fremennik Exiles: 15,000 EXP
Useful Items
Chisels are needed to cut gems of every level.
Jewelery Moulds
When you’re dealing with gold or silver jewelry, you can’t make anything without moulds.
Glassblowing Pipe
In order to craft glass items, you will need a glassblowing pipe. This will be used with molten glass in order to create several types of objects.
Needle & Thread
When crafting leather, you will need a needle paired with thread in order to make it. Both of these items are stack-able.
This is needed when creating dragonhide shields or birdhouses.
Elemental orbs or Unpowered Orbs
In order to make battlestaves, which is one of the most popular methods, you will need a source of orbs. This can be from monster drops, self-made or bought from the exchange.
Fast Training Methods
Regular Leather Items (1 - 20 )
While there are a few routes to get started with the skill, there is nothing easier and faster than creating regular leather items. You start with gloves and you can go all the way to chaps. This is fully available for F2P players as well.
Leather gloves are around 20,000 experience per hour if you buy everything from the Grand Exchange. When you unlock chaps, you can get well over 50,000 experience per hour.
It may not be so fast to gather and tan leathers for Ironmen, but it isn’t a bad choice if you plan on getting a few combat levels anyway. The best place to kill cows is the pen near the Al Kharid gate, in which the tanning shop is within view.
F2P players may choose to create hard leather bodies at level 28, but since there are better methods out there, it’s best to move on after level 20 or so.
Pottery (1 - 8/10/20 )
An alternative but expensive means of training would be to start making pots from soft clay at a potters wheel and then firing them into a finished product. When you get to pie dishes, not only is it faster experience, you can nearly break-even since they are in high demand.
Obtaining your own soft clay isn’t a very viable method unless you are an Ultimate Ironman. You can simply powertrain be using the clay rocks in the Crafting Guild, wet them in the sink, and then create pottery at the wheel and oven. This can be over 20,000 experience per hour once you learn how to do it efficiently.
Cutting Gems (20 – 46/57/99)
Whether you have deep pockets or are stuck in F2P, cutting gems has always been one of the fastest methods in the game. The drawback is that you will take a big financial loss and it may take a while to hoard gems due to buying limits.
Starting out with just sapphires, you can get over 140,000 experience per hour, which beats even high-level training methods. The maximum gem available in F2P are diamonds, which can reach over 290,000 experience per hour.
Cutting dragon stones require the biggest investment, but they are the fastest and are around the same loss per XP as Diamonds. Expect over 360,000 experience per hour if you can amass enough of them.
Silver Tiaras (23 - 46 )
A reasonably fast way to train to craft is making tiaras at the Edgeville furnace. You just need a Tiara mold and silver bars, and then you can just AFK train as your character goes through the inventory. Each tiara gives 50 experience and you should get around 40,000 experience per hour.
Since the sell for a decent amount at general stores, Ironmen tend to craft these from scratch for fast experience and gold. The idea is to mine the silver ore in Al kharid, run over to the furnace, and then sell the finished product at the store. Alternatively, you can mine the ore in Varrock and then use it in Edgeville.
Blowing Molten Glass (46 – 54/99)
Blowing glass items with a glassblowing pipe and molten glass is the ultimate bank-standing method to train Crafting. You probably notice lots of people doing it at the grand exchange, and it’s because it is a relatively cheap way for high-level crafting.
While there are multiple low-level glass items that can be made, it really isn’t worth it until you unlock unpowered orbs at level 46. They are the most cost-effective orb as they resell for a decent price and you should easily be able to get 90,000 experience per hour. Also, these orbs are worth keeping for when you start making battle staves.
For the fastest possible experience, save your molten glass to make unpowered light orbs at level 87. There isn’t much of a market for them so you will probably just vendor them or drop them.
If you wish to make your own molten glass from scratch, simply farm Giant seaweed and use nightmare zone points to buy buckets of sand in bulk.
Crafting Battlestaves (54 - 63/99 )
While there are multiple steps involved in creating elemental battle staves, the idea is just to attach charged orbs to regular battle staves by purchasing both from the grand exchange.
Scaling experience rates are given to water, air, earth and fire orbs with air being the best. Crafting air staves gives a little over 330,000 experience per hour, which is over 70,000 more than training with water orbs.
If you’re an Ironman, it’s also a good way to train Crafting and amass gold by doing everything from scratch. This includes creating orbs from molten glass, enchanting them at an obelisk, attaching them to each staff, then using high-level alchemy to produce raw GP.
To obtain cheaper battle staves, be sure to buy your daily amount from the Varrock staff shop and then hop worlds and buy them at a shop of choice. The Magic Guild or Lunar Island are good places to buy staves since there is less competition than in Varrock. Otherwise, you can buy staves from the Grand Exchange for over 1,000 gold extra.
Crafting Dragonhide (57/63 - 84/99 )
The creation of Dragonhide armor using dragon hides is a concept introduced with the launch of Runescape 2 and it still remains a vital part of the game. Pretty much every hide is a source of fast experience, and if you resell it, it won’t be too much of a loss in gold to go this route. The price of crafting these can vary and sometimes is comparable to creating battle staves. It’s up to you which method to use based on varying market prices.
While you can start off with Green d’hide vambraces, it would be more efficient to wait until level 63 to craft bodies. This is considering that every dragonhide gives the same amount of experience and crafting a body uses up 3 in one action instead of just one.
The experience scales for every tier of a dragon, and so does the cost. Crafting green d’hide bodies gives 300,000 experience per hour, blue giving 340,000 an hour, red 390,000 per hour, and black with 420,000 per hour.
It’s entirely possible to offset the cost by killing your own dragons, and you probably will if you plan on leveling Slayer. Keep in mind that it probably won’t be the most efficient means, unless you plan on killing the Red dragons in Forthos Dungeon with its built-in hide tanner.
Cutting Amethyst (83 - 99 )
If you need an easy, economical way to train, cutting Amethysts is comparable to cutting emeralds but at a fraction of the price. Making bolt tips at Level 3 is pretty cheap at around 2 gold per experience. When you hit 87, start making javelin heads for around 1 gold per experience and the same experience rate.
Amethysts are stackable and obtained in the new expansion in the Mining Guild, requiring level 92 mining. If you are an Ironman or prefer to save money, you can mine them on your own. This way, there isn’t a need to bank and you’ll gain passive mining and Crafting experience. You will also end up in an economic surplus since ammo tips sell quickly.
Profitable Training Methods
New Silver Jewelry (1+)
With the introduction of new enchanted silver jewelry, which uses the lesser jewels, there is a new demand to create rings, necklaces, and amulets out of silver. Although, the prices shift rapidly so you have to check and see which items are worth it. Some jewelry is worth enchanting before re-selling and others are not. You will have to calculate the current profit margins to see what’s worth doing.
One example is the Dodgy Necklace that people use to accelerate the speed of Thieving training. This is created with a cut opal, silver bar and is then enchanted. Jade amulets are also needed for necklaces of passage, which teleport to unique spots in the game and is often used for low-level questing.
Another example is the Burning Amulet that’s made with jade gems. This amulet is always needed by people training at Rev Caves and they are often lost to player killers. Keep in mind that they need to be strung, so that adds a bit to the cost when calculating how much profit you will make.
Making Molten Glass (1 - 5/99 )
It’s no secret that blowing glass is a popular AFK way to train Crafting, which is why there’s always a demand for Molten Glass. It’s simply about using a combination of soda ash and buckets of sand on a furnace, similarly smelting ores. Each glass gives 10 crafting experience.
Now to make this method even more interesting, unlocking the Superglass Make spell turns it into a high-level training method and moneymaker. This requires the Lunar Spellbook and 77 magic.
Each inventory should consist of 3 Giant Seaweed and 18 buckets of sand. Once you cast the spell, your entire inventory will fill up with molten glass. You simply bank and repeat until everything is used up. If you withdraw more seaweed than what’s needed, you’ll just drop the extra molten glass on the floor.
With the current prices, you should make well over 700,000 gold per hour while getting over 100,000 Crafting experience. Note that this is not an AFK method like creating molten glass in a furnace, but it’s well worth it.
If you are an ironman, you should go about this in a slightly different manner. The easiest way is to buy regular seaweed and sand from charter ships and then crafting your molten glass on the spot. You may also farm your own Giant Seaweed and gather buckets of sand in Yanille. If you plan on making elemental battle staves, be sure to create orbs.
Gold Jewelry (5 - 10/99 )
When you hit level 5, whether it’s through questing or using leather, you have access to one of the laziest means of crafting training: Gold Rings. Each ring gives 15 experience and depending on current prices, you may double your investment from making them. You can do this until you get to other tiers of gold jewelry, and you may start making sapphire rings for faster experience.
While there are many options available, the best mix of gold and AFK training in Gold Bracelets, which some players do until level 99. These bracelets sell for a high price at premium
Players that care more about AFK experience or are locked to F2P will likely choose gold amulets. There is still a decent profit margin, but they give 30 experience over the 25 bracelets give.
If you make amulets, you can save them if you were going to train magic using the String Amulet spell to save money. You will get a small amount of crafting experience and you can resell the strung amulets to vendors. Stringing jewelry by hand isn’t worth it at all.
While loads will go quicker and be less AFK, creating gemmed jewelry can be lucrative. Depending on prices, you may create sapphire necklaces, ruby rings or whatever has a decent price margin. If you’re an Ironman, you may sell your jewelry in Port Sarim for well above the going rate on the Grand Exchange. Cheap gems may be obtained from various vendors around the game, although you may have some competition in buying them.
Spinning Flax into Bowstrings (10+)
Spinning flax is an iconic way to make AFK money in the game, and due to the current price gap, it is still reasonable to use it for low-level crafting. The best spinning wheel to use it on is in the Lumbridge Castle while using the bank upstairs. Expect over 20,000 experience per hour and a little over 100,000 gold in profit.
Be sure to check out RSGoldFast.com for the best OSRS Gold!
Thanks to the Lunar Spellbook, it’s even more efficient to spin flax as it removes the need to walk to and from the bank. This transforms the experience per hour to around 70,000 (along with magic) and you can still make over 200,000 per hour in profit. These experience rates are assuming that you are clicking with full attention as it isn’t exactly an AFK method.
Casting this spell does require completion of Lunar Diplomacy and you will need to invest in Astral and Nature runes to get started. Fortunately, the spell works on 5 flax per cast and you can do your whole inventory in just 5 clicks.
Pot Lids (10+)
Pot lids are an overlooked item and are part of the One Small Favour quest. If you take a look at unfired pot lids versus finished ones, you will see that there is a significant price margin. Of course, the drawback is that you need to have the quest completed to use this as a training method.
Each lid gives 25 experience and the best location would either be the Crafting guild (if the bank chest is available) or East Ardougne (somewhat near a bank).
If you have trouble selling just lids, you may also combine them with regular pots to see if they sell faster. The idea is to create a small batch and sell them to players doing quests.