OSRS Herblore Guide
Table of Contents
- Useful Quests
- Useful Items
- Fast Training Methods
- Profitable Training Methods
- AFK Training
Useful Quests
- Druidic Ritual (required): 250 EXP
- Jungle Potion: 775 EXP
- Recruitment Drive 1,000 EXP
- Heroes Quest: 1,325 EXP
- The Dig Site: 2,000 EXP
- Shades of Mort’ton: 2,000 EXP
- Fairytale Part 2: 3,500 EXP
- Grim Tales: 5,000 EXP
- My Arm’s Big Adventure: 10,000 EXP
- Eadgar’s Ruse: 11,000 EXP
- Song of the Elves: 20,000 EXP
Useful Items
Pestle & Mortar
A pestle & mortar is required to process many secondary ingredients of for creating tars. It is obtained from any herblore store or the Grande Exchange for a relatively cheap price.
Vials of Water
Without exception, vials of water are needed as a vessel to create your potions. They are extremely cheap if bought in packs from herblore shops.
Amulet of Chemistry
The amulet of chemistry is a relatively new item that came with the silver jewlery rehault and makes the loss of training Herblore slightly less. Every time you create a potion, there is a 5% chance it turns into a four-dose. This will allow it to sell for slightly more gold on the Grand Exchange.
Fast Training Methods
Attack Potions (3 – 5/15+)
After completing Druidic Ritual, creating attack potions is really the only thing you can do with the skill. It requires combining guam leaves, eyes of newt within a vial, giving 25 experience per potion.
Guam leaves are obtained commonly from various monsters or through farming, while the eyes of newt can be bought in bulk from herblore shops. Considering that it is extremely cheap, some players will choose this method of training to save time while getting a decent experience. Expect well over 60,000 experience per hour if you buy unfinished potions.
Serum 207 (15 – 22/63+)
Serum 207 is a bit of an odd one out but it’s a cheap and decent experience for its level. It is used during the Shades of Mort’ton quest and there really isn’t much of a need for it apart from powerleveling Herblore.
It uses a combination of Tarronmin and ashes, making it cheaper than strength potions with more experience per potion.
Unlike other potions, you will have to manually click the ashes on the unfinished potion, so it isn’t something you can do for AFK training. It would be wise to move a pair of ashes and a vial next to eachother so you can rapidly click through your inventory.
You may expect a little over 110,000 experience per hour and the cost is much lower than strength potions or potions at a higher levels. Unfortunatley, they are considered trash items so you probably won’t be able to resell them on the Grande Exchange.
For Ironmen, this method really isn’t recommended since it’s difficult to obtain ashes in bulk. You may do this training method passively by picking up ashes from demons during Slayer, but don’t expect this to be a linear means of training.
Regular Restore Potions (22 – 26)
Once you have unlocked harralanders, this is the first potion you may make and you will definitely notice the experience per hour. It is made using Red Spider Eggs as a secondary ingredient, so it will be quite a bit more expesive per potion compared to previous methods. You can expect over 150,000 experience per hour if using unfinished potions.
For Ironmen, it is now convenient to obtain red spider eggs due to the Sarachnis boss update. Every time you get a Giant Sac as a drop, that is 100 spider eggs with little effort.
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Energy Potions (26 – 36)
Using the same Harrlanders as before, but with chocolate dust as a secondary ingredient, this is a slightly faster way to train. You may expect around 160,000 experience per hour and appropriately pay slightly more to make them.
The higher cost involved is due to the chocolate dust being more expensive and harder to obtain. You must use a knife or pestle & mortar on a chocolate bar, so there is another step in the process compared to other secondary ingredients. For Ironmen, these may be cheaply obtained from multiple food shops or the Culimancer’s Chest.
Combat Potions (36 – 38)
While it is a bit higher in cost, combat potions are much faster experience than Energy potions without being absurdly expensive. This uses Harralander, which is cheaper than Toadflax and Goat Horn Dust. You can expect around 210,000 experience per hour and it is slightly cheaper than training with Energy Potions.
Goat Horn Dust isn’t particularly easy to obtain as an ironman as you need to kill goats in the Desert for them. Having said that, the best place to look for them is near Nardah, in which there is a bank to the east. There is also a chance to receive noted gorns from the Thermonuclear smoke devil boss.
Prayer Potions (38 – 45/99)
Considering the high demand and tight profit margins, prayer potions are actually the most cost efficient way to train Herblore via potions. Although, you will still need to put up a lot of money initially since Ranarr weeds are very expensive, but the potions resell for a very small loss. You can get nearly 220,000 experience per hour and it’s a viable means to go all the way to 99 herblore.
The secondary ingredient in prayer potions is Snape Grass, which spawns in multiple locations throughout the game. Prior to the farming update that allowed Snape Grass to be grown in allotment patches, the preferred means to obtain it was via its spawn on Waterbirth Island.
For low level players, and especially ironmen needing Ranarr weeds, it is still a relatively low level herb and can drop from basic mosnters like chaos druids or even Level 2 men. This makes it easily gatherable if you need to make your own prayer potions for questing or bossing.
Super Attack Potions (45 – 52/99)
Super attack potions are very similar to regular ones as it requires just an eye of newt as a secondary ingredient. The herb is Irit, which is commonly dropped by a lot of mid-to-high level monsters in the game. You can expect over 250,000 experience per hour for training but it is quite a bit more expensive than Prayer Potions with all things considered.
While it isn’t exactly the most efficient potion to make, it is excellent for ironment, and especially Ultimate Ironmen. This is due to the fact that eyes of newt are easily obtained in packs, and if Irit is obtained through regular farming, you should get lots of experience from just this potion. It also doesn’t hurt having a few around for melee training.
Super Energy Potions (52 – 55)
These potions are the first and last potions you will be making with Avantoe herbs. They are used with Mort Myre Fungus as a secondary, and with the resell price considered, it isn’t too bad in terms of cost efficiency. Expect nealry 300,000 experience per hour if using unfinished potions.
Mort Myre Fungus is not the easiest secondary ingredient to obtain, but there have been new means introduced to the game. Requiring Nature Spirit, casting Bloom with a silver sickle will make it instantly grow on longs. Considering banking is pretty fast using the Fairy Ring network, this is the most common path to obtaining it.
Low level ironmen , or those that hate the Bloom method, may have a better time gathering fungus by killing monsters. Ancient Zygomite commonly drop both noted and un-noted fungus and only require 57 slayer to kill. If you cast bloom on swamp crabs, you can gather fungus while training range.
Super Strength Potions (55 – 63)
Super Strength Potions are the upgrade from regular Strength Potions and also use Limpwurt root as a secondary ingredient. Considering Kwuarm is usually high in demand, this is a slightly more expensive training method. If using unfinished potions, this method is over 300,000 experience per hour.
If you’re an ironman, obtaining Limpwurt Roots should be a accumulative process while training slayer and famring. Aside from rare drops from bosses like Calisto or Obor, you won’t be obtaining these in large quantities within a short timespan.
Super Restore Potions (63 – 66)
Super Restore Potions are always in demand since it is utilized in high-end PvP or PvM situations. Although, these herbs are extradinarily expensive compared to others, so you will need a big up-front investment to use it as a regular training method. That being said, you will get a large part of your money back after selling and make around 350,000 experience per hour.
These potions use red spider eggs as secondary ingredients, so fortunately that will be the cheaper end of things. You can get them in bulk from the Sarachnis boss.
Super Defence Potions (66 – 69)
Super defence potions are the lesser popular potions of the super combat set, but they can still be somewhat cheap for training after selling the finished product. This potion uses white berries as a secondary ingredient and Cadantine as the herb. Expect to get around 380,000 experience per hour while making these.
White berries used to be quite expensive, but since you can grow them on several bush patches, they are quite accessible for even ironmen. There are several monsters in the game that drop them as well.
Antifire Potions (69 – 72)
While regular antifire potions are outshined by the latest updates, they still sell for a decent amount and are a vialbe training method at Level 69. It uses Lantadyme as a primary ingredient and crushed dragon scales for secondaries. Expect to make nearly 400,000 experience per hour for around the same cost of Super Defence Potions.
Crushed dragon scales may be hard to come by for ironmen, so it might be worth saving Lantadymes for magic potions. Otherwise, you can pick them up near the Blue Dragons in the Taverly Dungeon.
Ranging Potions (72 – 76)
While a bit costly for supplies, ranging potions are always in demand for pures and high-level accounts alike, making them a quick sale after making them. You will mix Dwarf Weed and Wines of Zamorak (which is the expensive part) to make them. Expect around 405,000 experience per hour.
The most basic way to obtain wines is to Telegrab them at the spawn north of Falador. They may also be dropped in large stacks by Undead Druids, the Kalphite Queen and other bosses.
Magic Potions (76 – 80/81)
Magic potions are made by combining Lantadyme and Potato Cactus and it is an easy 430,000 experience per hour. The main drawback being that Magic Potions are very cheap and you will pretty much lose your investment from making them.
For ironmen, you can obtain Potato Cactus by farming them in cactus patches. Over time, you should accumulate them while leveling farming and each plants have the chance of filling up your inventory. If you kill the Kalphite Quen for slayer tasks, she has a chance of dropping 100 noted potato cactus.
Bastion Potions (80 – 81/90)
Along with Battlemage potions, this potion came out with the Theatre of Blood and are a bit unique with how they are made. Instead of using vials of water, you will use your Cadantine with a vial of blood before adding the secondary ingredient. Since they are worth more, it is cheaper to do these over it’s magic equivilant and you will get around 387,500 experience per hour. It is slower but cheaper than the previous few potions mentioned.
Vials of Blood are now relatively cheap since there are plenty in the market. You get them from drops within the Theatre of Blood, and for Ironmen, this may not be easy content to access just for vials. This is a cheaper way to train Herblore until you have access to Super Combat Potions.
Saradomin Brews (81 – 99)
Saradomin Bews are not cheap to make considering the price of Toadflax and bird nests, but they are the fastest option to get Level 99 at this point. You will get around 450,000 experience per hour and expect to lose nearly 3,000 gold per potion. Don’t worry about selling them since they are always in demand by the majority of Runescape.
The main challenge in making these for Ironmen is obtaining birds’ nests. They are rare drops while cutting trees and randomly obtained while using Bird House traps to train Hunter. If you what to actively obtain birds’ nests, you can also kill the Giant Mole boss and trade its skin & claws in for nests.
Super Combat Potions (90 – 99)
As a slower but cheaper way for high-level training, Super Combat Potions are an easy 320,000 experience per hour. You need to combine an unfinished Torstol Potion with each a Super Defence, Attack and Strength to make this ultimate potion. While it is quite expensive to make just one, it ends up being cheap after selling them at the median market value.
Super Antifire Potions (92 – 99)
When Dragon Slayer 2 was released, this potion became a must-have for high-level dragon content and the price reflected it. Now that the dust has settled in the market, you will make these at slight loss after selling them. The experience rate is comparable to Super Combat Potions, but still cheaper.
Profitable Training Methods
Cleaning Grimy Herbs (3 - 99)
Herbs that come straight from farming or monster drops are not immediately ready to use. They require the extra step of cleaning the herb, which is a 0-time action done with just one click each. As it is tedious to clean full loads of herbs, just about every herb in the game has a slight profit market between grimy and clean versions.
Cleaning herbs require lots of fast clicking, so you will have to find your groove to get into the zone of such tediousness. Some people find it easy to AFK this action using their phone or tablet and seamlessly do it while watching television. In any case, it is an acquired tasted of doing this training method for a mix of decent experience and profit.
Torstol is by far the most profitable at over 100 coins and 15 experience per cleaned herb. This requires a high up-front cost and a Herblore level of 75. A more reasonable approach would be to do Ranarr weeds or Harralanders that offer 30-50 coins per herb with a very low-level requirement.
Unifinished Potions( 3 - 99)
Creating unfinished potions is by far the most consistent way to make money with the skill, although it offers little to no experience. The idea is to sell vials filled with a certain herb so that wealth players may train the skill much faster for a slightly higher cost. It would be recommended to use grimy herbs and clean them as you set up your inventory so you gain some passive herblore experience. This can also significantly increase the profit margin per inventory.
While every type of unfinished potion is profitable to an extent, Ranarr weeds offer the highest profit margin at 700,000 gold per hour. Other herbs like Toadflax, Kwuarm or Snapdragon may also be considered.
Creating Guthix Rest Teas (3 - 99)
While tea would seemingly fall into the category of Cooking, this special tea uses multiple herbs and gives a decent amount of experience. Not to mention, it is high in demand for certain PvP or PvM activities that can make hundreds of thousands to millions of gold per hour (subject to price fluctuations). Although, it is a delicate process that requires full attention to do so.
The recipe is quite complex, so it isn’t something to take lightly. You must first heat bowls of water on a fire, or buy pre-heated bowls of water. Fill an empty teacup with that water, and then proceed to withdraw your herbs. Use this combination of herbs in this order on the cup: 2 Guam leaves, 1 harralander and 1 marentill.
This successful combination will give a net of 59 herblore experience. Considering that so many steps are involved, you would be lucky to get over 20,000 experience per hour but the profit is well worth it.
AFK Training
Salamander Tars (19+)
As a means of using up your low-level herbs, you can combine 15 swamp tar for each Guam, marrentil, tarromin or Haralander you have for low-attention way to train. Since swamp tar is stackable, you will only have to fill up your inventory with herbs and your player will slowly make tar for passive experience.
It starts becoming worth it when you can make Tarromin tar for 100,000 experience per hour. You can get much more experience with harralander tar, but it would be much more expensive than using Tarromin.
Stamina Potions (77+)
While Stamina Potions have quite a high-level requirement, they have a slow creation rate giving them only 250,000 experience per hour. The plus side is that this is the ultimate way to AFK train Herblore at a higher level. Since the secondary ingredient, Amylase crystals, are stackable and you fill the other 27 slots with Super Energy potions.
Amylase crystals are obtained by trading in your extra marks of grace in the Rogues’ den. Ironmen that plan on training Agility to Level 99 anyway should have plenty of Amylase crystals to make this method viable.
Anti-venom (87+)
Using the similar mechanic as Stamina Potions, you can take out 27 vials of Anti-venom and use stackable Zulrah scales for AFK training. It’s more expensive than Stamina Potions, but you get around 300,000 experience per hour for the additional investment. Zulrah scales are easily obtained if you kill Zulrah often, or convert his drops into scales.
Extended Super Anti-fire Potions(98+)
As a relaxing and relatively cheap way to finish off your Herblore grind, you can mix stackable lava scales with Super Antifire potions. Since these potions sell well, it ends up being a relatively cheap method of training in comparison to other high-level potions and you get around 400,000 experience per hour. If you plan on killing Brutal Black Dragons for slayer tasks, you can save their scales for this method of training Herblore.