


CubivalCraft is a huge Minecraft server with over 500 features and a huge player base of over a thousand users! We have huge amounts of plugins and add ons that provide quality of life changes to your typical survival Minecraft experience without taking away from the nostalgic feel that our users know and love. Not only do we provide that old school nostalgic feel we also have plenty of new and custom content to provide our users with a fresh new experience while still maintaining the typical Minecraft PVP feel.

All of our servers feature world-class DDoS protection and one hundred percent guaranteed uptime and perfect server stability so that our server will also be online and ready for whenever you need us no matter what day of the week or what time of day. Our active administrators host daily community events across the forums, the game server and the discord across the various different timezones so that all of our players get a chance at participating no matter what timezone they play in. Our community has a huge influence on all aspects of the game server whether it's in our development or in major community changes, our community gets a say and their vote does indeed count.