
Vanity Minecraft is one of the biggest defend and build themed Minecraft servers out there. This is the type of custom private server that allows you to build your own houses, castles or even fortress which you're ought to defend against potential invaders.
This conquer or get conquered Minecraft server truely gives you a state of the art experience, something completely new to the Minecraft world which leaves you in awe, only desiring more of this immersive gameplay.
Vanity Minecraft is the only Minecraft private server that gives you the opportunity to make real life currency by playing the game, we have weekly awards that are handed out to players that have achieved certain tasks and accomplishments as well as winners of events and other competitive platforms. We consist of a huge community, thousands of different players simultaneously logged-in to interact with each other as a server and take part in the non-ending ammount of game-modes there are to choose from. We've been a very consistent project and for every day we develop as a server and become better, stronger and bigger by each passing day.