RS Reborn

RS-Reborn RSPS
Working MoneyPouch!
dupe in the MoneyPouch
Drop Dupe
Summoning Orb With Draining
Fixed Cheat Egine Dupe!
custom items with 711 model header
[Server] Announcement when you get 99
LevelPoints with a Store
custom GFX and Anime for some basic commands
Lottery, [Lottie]
Disabled Shops for Users That Can Spawn
Staff or players who can spawn can not attend in the lottery
Added 2 Starters Per Ip
Added Custom Log-ins when Staff Log in
Fixed Total Level
Donators need Donor points to use their Shops not cash[Makes it so reg players cant be teled there and buy the items]
Vote4Cash Voting System with SOF Spins on claim
100% Timed mute
100% Timed Ban
Smithing (x5, x10)
120 Dungeoneering
The Arrow Dupe Glitch
Server AutoSave
Lag when banking all
Player Titles
Auto-Server Save
UIDs (i disabled, ease to re-enable)
SOF InterFace
KillStreak Point System
Made KS give you extra PK Points
Re-Wrote Mage (Was totally messed up on v1)
Custom Npc Shops
Added in dice command for Donator+
New Interfaces
Fixed Crowns in Pc, Pm, and chat
Admins and Owners dont share same crowns
Comp Cape requireing all 99s.
Zoom in and Zoom out feature
New Superdonator Extreme Donator Rank
Better Duel Arena
New ::Help method
Better Prayer
Better Eco
Vote point shop
Tokkul Shop
2b Ticket Exchange
New member rank
Nice Player ritles With a good Interface
Player Titles for most ranks
Player Cliping
Summoning Working
Fixed Charms
Better Spirit Shields (Not showing lines like regualr ones)
Staff Tab saying if staff is online or not.
Most Sinlge and Double doors working the way they need to
Awesome Donator Benifits
Made a lot of things
Fixed Freezing in Wise old man
New staff capes
Now for RS REBORN Media!
Gnome Agility
Comp Cape Rack!
Control Panel!
Ticket Exchange!
Fixed Charms
New Xp Lamp with multiclicking!
Level Point Shop with fixed Spirit Shields!
New Wild running interface!
Teleporting Interfaces!
Skillcape shop not freezing you!
Title Shop!
Vote Point Shop!
Zoom in and Out!