CrystalPS #1 Custom server

crystalps-1-custom-server RSPS
Welcome to CrystalPS , a server that was made to provide you with a unique experience with constant never seen before updates.
Choose your class train your skills . Grab your gear , Make a team with your friends and start raiding!
We have daily tasks for all skills including fishing firemaking woodcutting smithing mining runecrafting , Also the new custom skills!
?Alot of custom items ---- ?Classes interface
?Alot of custom maps ---- ?Pet combat
?Main Quests ---- ?Daily quests
?Custom slayer ---- ?Egg incubator interface
?Custom teleporation interface ---- ?182 osrs data
?Quest log interface ---- ?Raids + Custom raids
?Active staff ---- ?Custom Npcs
?Equipment slots Upgrade ---- ?Item fuser interface
?New custom skills ---- ?Afk system