


Doodad is a Minecraft online private server that aims to entertain all Minecrafters alike. We're the most neutral a Minecraft server gets always aiming to be as much of a family-friendly server as we possibly can.

Doodad is a place for children, teenagers and adults alike to enjoy the simple but immersive game which Minecraft is. Whether you have a disabled relative of which you're a caretaker of or you're just a parent that wants a gaming environment which is safe and healthy for a young kid, this is place to go for. Our server is being closely watched and supervised by several moderators making sure that everything in-game is as clean as it gets.

Griefing, trolling and harassing are an instant ban on our server and we have a zero toleration policy when it comes to any sort of rule-breaking of that nature. Doodad is a fun Minecraft online server where you can just lay back, relax and have a good time along with your online friends on a server where you can form relationships for life. It has been almost two full years since our first launch of the server and we've been able to generate much success ever since. Try us out today for a fun and entertaining Minecraft environment and experience.