Infamy Reloaded

Infamy Reloaded is a Minecraft private server that has perfected all the different aspects of a server, the economy, the mapping and the gameplay is all top notch when you're playing on our server.
Infamy Reloaded has been a never ending project of ours that is progressing and getting bigger, better and more immersive by the day. Our goal is to keep becoming better as a Minecraft server as well as a community. We've put alot of focus into the key aspects that makes a server special. We've put a lot of emphasis on the economy of our server as it makes up a great deal on how good a servers potentials are. There are several money sinks to balance out the economy and keep players with a constant grind. Infamy Reloaded lets you capture different territories and claim them as your own land which you later will have to defend against foreign invaders and other players. There are tons of different player run factions, wars that are ongoing almost constantly and never-ending raids. Our server is meant to keep you in action for the whole time you're logged on to the server. There are tons of different immersive aspects of our server, survival, PvP and strategical planning are all key to your dominance and success on the server. We offer one of the most competitive environments in any Minecraft server which also offers you an experience never experienced before.