EpicWow The First Legion server 7.3.5


WoW Freakz is the Legion's best private server with thousands of online players, and Legion content works great.
This server is the same one of the best options. What they have?
Ready-made quest chain Daemon Hunter Implemented a new system of artifacts.
level scaling scale depending on the character level in new places was added the same.
The fourth year on the market, and all this time, constant
work is underway to thoroughly clean up bugs, improve the server, attract new players.
Such stability did not go unnoticed among game lovers -
the server stubbornly holds in the top ten.
Server bonuses
There is a system for increasing experience in groups, if in a group of two people the bonus will be x2,
if the group has more than 2 people, the bonus will be x3. Bonus activation occurs if the members of the group
are no more than 100 meters apart and the difference in levels does not exceed 4.
So what can they offer to their users? Let’s have a look:
- Artifacts system
- Implemented the work of the wardrobe
- System for scaling the mob level to the player level in new locations
- System of pvp talent
- New types of energies in classes
- Demon Hunter Starting Chain
- drop of legendary items and the system "Protection against failure"
- system for improving items "Forged by the Titans" and "Weathered in battle"
- local task system
- system of myths +
- system of annihilation
- New reputation "Ideal"
- The chain for pumping the second set of artifact talents has been implemented
- Scripted local Legion Assault missions
And so on – you can be sure to find here fully worked fighting guild, cloaca dalaran, Cerberax, crucible,
invasion points, Brawl work, Time Travel… The status of locations is constantly updated, which indicates hard work
to improve the conditions of the game. The server is located in Russia, in Moscow.
Work on correcting found errors is also ongoing, a list of found and corrected is present.
It can be recommended to game lovers as a reliable developing platform.